Ensuring Quality Contractors
Our Screening Process

Our robust framework ensures your business can develop and grow, with the help of our skilled contractors. We understand IT and can help you control costs, benefit from IT and project specialists for flexible solutions to your staffing needs.

Our Contractor Screening Process

Our resourcing consultants are specialists in the field of IT.  We are well versed in the complexities of sourcing and screening contractors and permanent staff. Our team understand the marketplace, IT technologies and how to identify and match key skills to key requirements. On an organisational level, we use our competency-based, internal  IT consultants and delivery team to provide update briefings to our resourcing teams when major technology changes occur.


Quality, Not Quantity

Our resource consultants pre-screen all candidates prior to sending CVs to our client. Our search for a suitable resource always starts with our pre-vetted internal resource or trusted contractor we have previously worked closely with. Our competency specialists vet all resources before they proceed to the full screening interviews. We ofter use a blend of our resourcing team and our IT specialists, consultants and management from our competency and delivery teams to vet suitable candidates.

Key areas that we examine during the pre-screen process for each candidate includes:
  • Identification of candidate availability.
  • Technical competence and ability.
  • Previous experience checked.
  • Demonstration of listed capabilities.
  • Certifications and demonstration of use.
  • Personality fit for the client organisation.
  • HR and reference checks.
  • Confirmation of candidate interest in the role.

Candidates that we identify as a match for the open role will be added to the open role list. From there, our resource consultant will compile a shortlist of the top two to three candidates that we invite to meet with the team in person. This allows for us to greater assess the cultural fit to your organisation. Successful candidates will be then referred to our client and join the interview process at that stage.

We do not flood clients with CVs. We select only the top candidates.

We do not send a vast number of low-quality CVs for clients to comb through. I.T. Alliance Resourcing Services will send a selected number of pre-screened CVs to a client based on pre-agreed amounts. We ensure that the ratio of CVs to interviews ensures sufficient choice while maintaining the integrity of our screening process.  This ensures a scalable and adaptable solution that works for our clients.